Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Castles and Churches

Well since I've last updated I've probably visited 5-6 castles and probably the same amount of churches. There isn't much to be said about them other than the fact that most of the Castles were built by Edward I (he was English) when he conquered Wales. Some of the churches date back to the 11th and 12th centuries! I'm just going to post some photos of the castles and churches with labels about what they are. Enjoy!
Bangor Cathedral built in the 12th century

Beaumaris Castle, Edward I

The Chapel inside the castle

Conwy Castle, Edward I

This castle's walls are the only ones you can walk all the way around for about 3/4 of a mile. Pictured here is the North Gate and the highest lookout point and you can see for miles and miles.

Caernarfon castle, Edward I

 Catholic Church in Liverpool

Although it's hard to get a sense of the size, and many of the photos turned too dark to show this place was MASSIVE!

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