Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cardiff Day 1

Welsh Word of the Day: Bore da, Good Morning

So we drove from London to Cardiff and it was all rolling hills, green shrub/tree fences, sheep, cows, and BEAUTIFUL English cottages like everything you could have ever hoped for. I saw the ocean over the bridge to Wales and it was grey but calm. I saw wind turbines (much to my pleasure).

When we got into Wales all the signs became bi-lingual as is the law here and one of our teachers (Bill Jones, very Welsh name) talks to us half in Welsh and half in English and its kind of awesome. I'm pretty stoked to start learning the language. 

What an amazing city! It's kind of the best of both worlds where you have beautiful, stone Victorian houses (and some new buidings) and a huge castle in the middle of the city, along with the ocean but also its a CITY so you have bars, public transportation, awesome shopping, a huge University and cheap housing and on and on and on.
So today was our first full day in Cardiff.  

We took a tour of the civic center (more pics to come) as well as looking at the city from above! I'm learning welsh as I go along and I already know a few words. I don't have much to say yet but check out the photos of Cardiff on Photobucket. The album is private except for the lucky few who read the blog so the password is: Cardiff.

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